AI-Powered LinkedIn Carousels:

AI-Powered LinkedIn Carousels:

Objective: Grow your audience on LinkedIn by posting helpful carousels for your audience. Use ChatGPT and Canva to accelerate the process.

Ideally you want to aim to post at least 3-5 carousels weekly on LinkedIn.


Tools Needed:

Prompt 1: Audience Persona

Act as a social media strategist, we are going to create a social media marketing strategy for {insert your social media platform of choice}.
First, we will create an audience persona, including pain points, fears, desires, wants, and buying behaviors. Do not hallucinate, be accurate.
For context, {insert what you do and who you sell to}

(OPTIONAL) Prompt 2: Content Pillars

Create my content pillars that will help me grow my audience, resonate to my ideal buyers, and grow my email list.

Brainstorm 10 linkedin carousel ideas from the audience persona's fears, wants, desires, pain points. The titles should be clickbait style, and you should rank from 1 to 10 which one you think will have the highest virality potential.

Write a linkedin carousel about {choose one of the titles from the prompt above} The format of the carousel content:

Slide 1: {Title Page - insert a clickbait/polarizing hook}
Slide 2: {Recap of what this carousel is about: In this guide i'm going to show you...} 
Slide 3: {Insight #1} 
Slide 4: {1-2 sentence supporting blurb to the insight #1.} 
Slide 5: {1-2 sentences from my personal story or analogies to support the insight}
Slide 6: {add an "aha" moment to transition to the next slide}
Slide 7: {Insight #2} 
Slide 8: {1-2 sentence supporting blurb to the insight #2.} 
Slide 9: {1-2 sentences from my personal story or analogies to support the insight}
Slide 10: {add an "aha" moment OR provocative question to transition to the next slide}
Slide 11: {Insight #3} 
Slide 12:{1-2 sentence supporting blurb to the insight #3.}
Slide 13: {1-2 sentences from my personal story or analogies to support the insight}
Slide 14: {add a provocative question as the transition slide}
Slide 15: {Insight #4} 
Slide 16: {1-2 sentence supporting blurb to the insight #4} 
Slide 17: {1-2 sentences from my personal story or analogies to support the insight}
Slide 18: {add an "aha" moment to transition to the next slide}
Slide 19: {Insight #5} 
Slide 20: {1-2 sentence supporting blurb to the insight #5.} 
Slide 21: {1-2 sentences from my personal story or analogies to support the insight}
Slide 22: {add a smooth transition in between insights}
Slide 23: {recap what we just discussed in all the previous slides in bullet points}
Slide 24: Follow me for more content around these topics: {subjects I talk about}
Slide 25: Found this helpful? Share this with other {insert target audience}

Prompt 5: Reformat To CSV Table Prompt:

Rewrite it in a table format with the columns: slide number | headline | sub headline

Contact Info:

Email: [email protected]

Follow me on LinkedIn: 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

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When you interact with ChatGPT, you're engaging with an open LLM, and your data may not be stored securely. 

Here’s how I personally navigate privacy concerns:

  • Protect Your Intellectual Property: If your content belongs behind a paywall, it's best to avoid sharing it with ChatGPT.
  • Generic Inputs: Keep your inputs generic. Use information readily available on public domains or anonymize your content.
  • Safety First: It's crucial to never share sensitive intellectual property or personal information like email lists, names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. with ChatGPT.
  • Personal Touch: If ChatGPT assists in crafting content or products for you, ensure you review, modify, and add a personal touch. Directly copying and pasting outputs might result in content that feels generic and lacks uniqueness.

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